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Life Skills & Soft Skills To Thrive
"The Winning Combination: For Personal and Professional Growth"
Want to be More Self-Sufficient? Don’t Know Where to Start?
The transition to adulthood can be distressing, challenging, and confusing. There are many new pressures, responsibilities, and challenges to deal with. You may have ambitious goals, but you need someone to support you to get started.
Are You Equipped to Plan for Your Future?
Life coaches work with clients one-on-one or in groups to help them achieve their goals, whether it’s in their careers, relationships, health, or personal growth. If you’re eager to make positive changes in your life, then you’ve come to the right place.
Challenges you will overcome during the coaching:
- Lack of confidence and self-doubt
- Time management
- Unproductive habits
- Low body image/self-esteem
- Limiting beliefs
Who should consider life coaching?
A lot of successful people have life coaches, for example, Oprah, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Tony Robbins have all worked with high-level consultants to help them achieve their goals.
If you’re wondering, “Do I need a life coach?” you’re not alone. You may have heard about various capabilities and wondered if you should get a life coach to help with your situation. Here are some reasons you should consider coaching:
- You feel lost or confused – If you have reached a point where you don’t know who you are or what you want, working with a life coach is the perfect starting point for your new life journey.
- You are letting your fear hold you back – We all get intimidated from time to time when faced with challenges in our lives. It’s a normal reaction to feel this way, but life coaches can help you name your fears, take action, and learn how to use them as a force for success.
- You think you are not good enough – It can be tough to hold onto bad memories and feelings, and it can be overwhelming, stopping you from being productive and moving forward. A life coach can help you work through your old beliefs and ideas so that you can break out of counterproductive patterns and start making progress.
- You have self-destructive habits – If you find yourself taking two steps forward and three steps backward, like eating healthily during the week and then bingeing on the weekends, allowing a relationship to deteriorate due to jealousy or insecurity, drinking too much, or spending too much time on social media, a life coach can help you overcome these challenges.
- You want to be more decisive – If you feel that you’ve missed out on opportunities because you’re afraid to take action, or if you’re having trouble charting a course because you’re too close to your problems to see the next steps, a life coach can help you find clarity and guide you to a more proactive path.
- You can’t seem to focus – If you have a goal, like starting a business, great! But you need more than just a goal to achieve your dreams. You need a clear vision and laser-focused energy to make that vision a reality.
- You are not able to manage your time – You know that putting off until tomorrow what you need to do today isn’t going to get you anywhere, but sometimes you need help staying on task.
- You are facing a major transition – If you’re about to change jobs, move to a new city or get out of a relationship. You also want to begin new chapters in your life on your terms, but if you don’t know what those are, you’ll need help clarifying them.
Transform the way you do things with our service, sign up today!
Two types of life skill coaching services we provide:
- Personal Coaching – Focused on achieving a client’s individual goals for their benefit, regardless of organizational outcomes.
- Workplace Coaching – Focus on increasing an individual’s adaptability and effectiveness for the benefit of both the individual and the organization.
What benefits can you expect from life coaching?
Life coaching can help support a variety of future-oriented outcomes. These could be about you work, personal relationships, work-life balance, or general happiness.
Here are some specific examples:
- Increased productivity as a result of improved efficiency at work and home.
- Increased self-esteem, confidence, and decision making.
- Enhanced communication abilities and building exceptional relationships at work and social gatherings.
- Improved time management, physical health, and emotional wellbeing.
How does life coaching work?
The 1st step is to identify the root cause of the problem.
Often, the issue presented by the client is not the root cause of their problem, nor is it what is hindering them from reaching their full potential.
The 2nd step is to assess the client's current situation.
It is crucial to recognize and identify their current pattern of behavior related to the problem.
The 3rd step is to clearly define the desired outcome.
The final step is to develop a plan to achieve the desired outcome.
Through our life skills coaching, youngsters are equipped with:
- Foundational skills necessary for transitioning to productive adult.
- Efficient development of emotional quotient at a young age, to deal with difficult situations wisely & easily.
- Personal development for better self-awareness.
- A better and more progressive mindset to work through all the situations easily.
- Learn skills that are the most important ones but are not taught in educational institutions.
Life coaching is not suitable for individuals who have:
- Clinical depression, anxiety disorders, or serious mental illnesses.
- Unresolved past issues or personality disorders.
- Resistance to change or only seeking emotional support.
- A desire to be told exactly what to do.
It is important to note that life coaching is not a substitute for therapy or counselling.